On the Move


Well… we will be moving to Kenya in July! We are excited to share with you a glimpse of what we will be doing. It has been remarkable how God has aligned things in order for our family to serve in Kenya, especially since this was not even on the radar six months ago!

Shane will be working with Sports Friends Kenya (which is part of SIM) and, eventually, with their African expansion into other countries. We have had the blessing of working with SIM/Sports Friends in Langano for the past 4+ years. Sports Friends has a philosophy and vision that we completely align with, so we are looking forward to being a part of the same organization in Kenya. The primary focus of Sports Friends Kenya is on the unreached/under reached people groups in the coastal and Eastern areas.  Shane is eager to begin this new endeavor.

Allyson is going to be working at Rift Valley Academy, (where Hannah attends) doing student health. RVA is a boarding school for students whose parents are serving overseas. Many of these kids who have been raised overseas know another language (or many languages) fluently and they are used to living and serving in a culture other than their own. RVA is a place where they can get an excellent education, but it is also a ripe training ground for the next generation of missionaries… who are often even more prepared to serve simply based on their upbringing. By strategically investing in these students, we believe the kingdom impact can be powerful! Our family is excited to pour into this next generation who can take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

It’s humbling to see how our desire to serve the Lord overseas has been affirmed once again. We feel that this move is a great fit for our entire family. We are thankful that Hannah, Mia and Mo will have the opportunity to attend RVA and that we will be able to all be together as a family again. We will be living on the RVA campus.

Please pray for us as we go through this transition. While we are excited about Kenya, and God has made it clear that it is time to leave Langano, it is still bittersweet. We have begun telling our staff and teammates that we are leaving and it has been coupled with many tears. We really desire to say healthy goodbyes and to finish our time here well. We would appreciate your prayers to this end.

Some of you have asked about support and if contributions need to be directed elsewhere. Since we are still with SIM, everything stays the same. We will also be incurring additional expenses associated with the move to Kenya, so if you feel led to help with a one-time donation, you can contribute with the link below.

Once again, we love you all and are humbled by your faithful prayers, encouragement and support. Thank you for being a part of our team!

With great anticipation of what He will do,

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