What We’re Up To.

heliThanks for your prayers for Shane as he went to the coast last week. It was productive. He is working with Lemmy and the local pastors to provide trauma counseling for church leaders and others who have been affected by the attacks. There is a great program developed specifically for Africans. It  focuses on training church leadership to provide counseling for people who have experienced trauma from war, violence, natural disasters, etc. There will be several meetings and trainings during September. Pray that healing would begin to take place in the lives of those attending and that they would in turn be able to minister to others.  Pray especially for the Healing the Wounds of Trauma training for 40 pastors and Sports Friends leaders on August 25-29.

Allyson and Mia will leave for Ethiopia on Wednesday. They are visiting Langano and will have the chance to reconnect with our teammates and Ethiopian friends. They are also going on a Helimission outreach and will be flying into some very remote areas to provide medical care for some of the tribes – places only accessible by helicopter. Allyson has been on a previous Helimission trip, but this will be Mia’s first time. Pray for safety for them and also that they can be an encouragement to our friends in Langano.

Hannah has been interning in Mai Mahiu, Kenya at a school for children wih disabilities. She has learned so much and this has definitely confirmed her desire to pursue a career in special education. She will be at Malaika Kids for one more week. A highlight of her time there has been with a 9 year old boy named Denzel. He is nonverbal, but no one has ever taught him sign language. He has totally come to life learning new words and phrases every day!

Thank you so much for your friendship and support!